

Now you can design and custom-mate your mascot appearance just like one of our client. Aren’t they nice????

one of our staff had a photo with the new mascot.

one of our staff had a photo with the new mascot.

new mascot

new mascot

For more info, call us at 013-2896334/03-61878411

Hello There…..

It’s been a while

To all our fan and supporters it’s been a while since we update our posts about Maskotkita Resources

In this recent Sukan Malaysia XVI we have become one of the main contractor appointed by National Sport Council (NSC) to make sure Sukan Malaysia XVI occurs smooth and neat.
Gallery of moments and excitements during Sukan Malaysia XVI will be uploaded in the next entry….

See ya!!!!! πŸ™‚

What is mascot?

English: The mascot Izzy from Atlanta Olympic ...

English: The mascot Izzy from Atlanta Olympic Games (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


mascots (Photo credit: young grasshopper)

Millie, once mascot of the City of Brampton, O...

Millie, once mascot of the City of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, she is now the (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Info

Mascot is the form or shape of objects that can be a person, animal, or other objects that are considered to bring good luck and to enliven the atmosphere of the event being held. A mascot in general represents the public at large from schools, universities, sports clubs, or the development of a commercial product. Each mascot is made will be given a nickname that fit the character of the mascot itself.

The use of the mascot are now expanding to always be used in any sporting event in the world, like the World Cup or the Olympics as part of the promotion of sports events today. The selection of the mascot will be adapted to the character of the event will be made or of the organization, club, or organization that will use the mascot as a means to promote.

For more information about mascot, all of you can visit

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Welcoming Speech

Hello folks!!

Welcome to our company website. πŸ˜€Image
In this website, all of you can know about our product that we want to promote

and want all of you to be interested to buy our mascot and the details about the

product will be updated on the next post.

#Can’t wait for it right?? πŸ˜€